Re: PBX code for FreeBSD.

From: Julian H. Stacey <jhs(at)>
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 1997 23:40:31 +0100


> From: Marc Rassbach <marc(at)>
> To: jhs(at), uz(at)
> Date: Wed, 3 Dec 1997 14:44:03 +0000 ()
> Message-id: <Pine.BSF.3.91.971203144014.16009G-100000(at)>

Marc Rassbach wrote:
> (I went to the german site in the ports selection....

Huh ? I'm guessing here ?
Maybe you were browsing on ,
found my name somewhere somehow as being in Germany (Munich actually)

> don't know german,
> so the site was unenligting.:-)

Don't worry most of the folk on de-bsd-chat(at) speak English,
even though they usually chat among themselves in German.

> I'm looking at expanding my consulting into the telephony end of things
> and note a total LACK of "UnPBX" software....

Huh ? Not sure what you mean, or why you'r asking me ?

> and a lack of H.323
> applications.

No idea what H.323 is, but I guess you went to the German web site for a
specific reason, so I'm copying this to the German Chat list for FreeBSD.

> Is there a group working on this type of stuff with FreeBSD?

No idea, I'm grasping at straws here, maybe H.323 is ISDN ?:

Germany is where most ISDN gets done for FreeBSD,
but pretty much everything else it'd be best to ask about on
        one of the main lists (mail majordomo(at)
        for list of lists)

The German list I've cc'd you to
is mainly used for arranging German geographic region
FreeBSD social gatherings etc :-)


Julian H. Stacey
Received on Tue 09 Dec 1997 - 00:50:33 CET

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